Sometimes, getting the right report takes a few minutes. If you know that you will want to run the same report every month. That is what User Reports are all about.
When you save a report, it doesn’t save the preview screen, it saves the Report Type, whether is was Sub Totaled or Totaled, the Account that was used, all of your Filters, and either your Date Range or if you entered the dates manually. Even your Customized Header if you created one.
This makes it very easy to recall a report since it prefills all the information that was used to create the report initially. That is why I always suggest you use a Date Range rather than manually entering your dates when you are planning on saving the report.
Let’s say you created the perfect month end report. If you used the Date Range of Last month, next month when you recall your saved report it will show you the last month based on today’s date because the saved report used the Date Range rather than the dates displayed when you saved your report. If you manually enter the dates, the Date Range will show ‘Custom Date’ and will recall the exact dates you entered. Just a little tip.
If you want to change your saved report you don’t need to delete it and create it again. Recall your saved report then make your changes to it and then save it again with the same name. MintToReport will ask if you want to overwrite the one that is currently saved. You don’t need to delete it first and totally recreate a saved report just because you want to change something like Custom Header.