Date Range Popup

2017-01-10_2306Date Ranges are a great way to enter your dates for your reports quickly. Not only is a quick method of entering dates, but if you are in the habit of Saving User Reports the date range is used when recalling a Saved User Report.

In other words, if you create a Saved User Report using the Date Range of ‘This Month’, next month when you recall your report, it will load the dates for the current month, not the prior month because ranges are based on today’s date. If you save your reports by typing in dates (Custom Range), the report will always be recalled with those dates you manually entered.

To the left are all the ranges available. But in some cases, you will not see all of the Date Ranges that you see here depending on the type of report you’re using and also how many transactions you current have.

If you are using the trial version of the software, the trial version limits your import to 6 months of data. Or, if you are a new user and running the registered version, you will still won’t have that many years of transactions, so some Annual dates may not be included in the Date Range selection. Otherwise, you could have some strange looking reports and possibly some unexpected application errors.

But this is caculated each time you import or start MintToReport so as your transactions grow those selections will start to reappear.

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