As some of you know, I had shoulder surgery last month. As those that know, it is a very painful recovery. I was in the middle of testing version 4.0 when I tripped at home injuring myself. 4.0 was an important release since it was my first MacOS 64-bit release and Mac users who had upgraded to the Catalina release, including myself, could no longer run MintToReport.
I knew there might be bugs in the part of the balances of the new release since I didn’t have a chance to test it. But since my Mac users could not run the last version, I had to make an early release without knowing (due to pain killers) where I left off in the 4.0 release.
Please bear with me as I try to get back to work on the Balance portion of the software. I know that the balance calculation is not working properly, thus I labeled it as a beta. I will resume work as soon as I can.